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Look again

The 10 most beautiful places and sights in Hamburg – Discover the Pearl of the North

The 10 most beautiful places and sights in Hamburg – Discover the Pearl of the North

Moin, here it is – the real pearl of the north: Hamburg.

A city that constantly breathes history and at the same time feels and lives the pulse of time. From the harbor to the Alster, from historic warehouses to modern landmarks - Hamburg has something to offer everyone. And the best thing about it? We at Heimathafen Aktuell tell you

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The Magic of Winter and the Elbphilharmonie

The Magic of Winter and the Elbphilharmonie

The moment I took this photo was magical. It was one of those rare mornings when the sky was lit up with the delicate pastel shades of sunrise, while the frosty winter air wrapped the trees in a touch of hoarfrost. The Elbphilharmonie towered proudly and elegantly over a white fairytale landscape, as if it was embracing the city and welcoming the new day. The gentle glow of the first rays of sun gave the moment...

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